Lesson 2: Symbolism in Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
In this lesson students first work with the general concept of symbolism. They then focus on four of the most dominant symbols that permeate Lord of the Flies: the island; the conch; the Lord of the Flies effigy; fire.
The island itself is a microcosm of planet Earth, alone in a vast surrounding universe with the capacity to sustain humanity, but also prone to destructive storms. From the start, the conch is associated with order and democratic government; by the end, like the group, it has faded and is shattered. The pig head on a stick is an effigy referred to as the Lord of the Flies, which becomes associated with fear, evil, and mindless destruction by mob mentality. Fire is a powerful force, containing both positive and negative archetypal associations; it provides heat and light, but it is also powerfully destructive.
Even the boys on the island can be viewed as symbols of various types of humankind, potentially destructive of the environment and to one another. Worksheet 4 extends the discussion to consider ways the boys themselves serve as symbols of different sorts of individuals. The teacher version of the worksheet presents sample material on this subject.
To complete this lesson, students need to have read the entire novel. Part of a three lesson unit on Lord of the Flies, it may be taught in sequence or stand on its own. Teachers may link to the full unit with Guiding Questions, Background and summative Assessment. Lesson 2 aligns with CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.8.1.
Guiding Questions
What do the symbols used in the Lord of the Flies reflect about humanity and coexistence?
Learning Objectives
Examine the text to determine the meaning of symbols used in Lord of the Flies.
Analyze the actions and thoughts of characters regarding leadership and coexisting in a group.