Music from Across America

U.S. Postal stamp dedicated to American Music in 1964.
In this unit, students examine and listen to a variety of forms of music to learn about the cultural, geographic, and stylistic diversity available within the United States. To develop their listening skills, students use worksheets to record their impressions about the music they hear. In addition to learning about musical instruments and the geographic and cultural context of music, children are encouraged to think about and express their personal responses to music.
The learning activities presented in this unit are appropriate for students in Kindergarten through grade 5. A range of ideas are provided to help extend this lesson for students in higher grade levels or who are more advanced.
Guiding Questions
What can we learn from listening to music?
What does music tell us about the instruments and people who create it?
How does music make us feel?
Learning Objectives
Identify the "families" of musical instruments and the typical sounds of each.
Recognize several styles and genres of American music.
Comprehend the rich diversity of American music and how music reflects community and culture.
Understand how emotions are expressed through music, and how music evokes emotion in the listener.