Place-Based Learning: Creating Clio Entries

Clio logo.
Historical markers, monuments, plaques—every so often, the history of a landscape and the people who have inhabited it irrupts into the present. More often than not, however, the history of a place lies hidden from view. Clio, a free resource funded in part by the NEH, is one way to change this, transforming local landscapes into learning environments and encouraging users to see the built and natural environment as a bridge between past and present. Users can explore tens of thousands of existing entries in addition to creating their own, a process that helps develop research, writing, and critical thinking skills.
This lesson plan guides students and teachers through the process of creating a Clio entry; it also provides ideas for adapting Clio to a variety of classroom contexts.
Guiding Questions
How can the surrounding environment become an entryway into historical inquiry?
What does the process of historical research and writing look like?
How can historical inquiry create opportunities for connection with and action in surrounding communities?
Learning Objectives
Identify reliable historical sources and distinguish between different types of sources (primary and secondary).
Craft a concise, compelling historical narrative integrating a variety of sources and connecting a particular place or moment to larger historical themes and questions.
Engage in responsible scholarship by using appropriate quotation and citation practices.
Create well-researched and insightful content for a general audience.
Understand and articulate the relationship between geography/place and history.