Lesson Plan
Revolution '67, Lesson 2: What Happened in July 1967? How Do We Know?

Photo caption
The Newark Community Union Project (NCUP) Police Brutality March across Broad and Market Street in Newark, NJ, 1965.
Newark, New Jersey, is one of thousands of American cities to experience civil unrest during the 1960s. Often forgotten by textbooks and in American memory generally, the “riots” of the 1960s provide teachers with an excellent opportunity to highlight a wide variety of important themes in U.S. history.
Guiding Questions
What is a riot?
To what extent were the goals of the protestors achieved?
Learning Objectives
Identify and analyze different types of primary sources.
Describe the events referred to as the Newark riots, and begin to uncover the causes for the unrest.
Evaluate the reliability of primary and secondary sources.
Lesson Plan Details
Lesson Activities
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